Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 7, 2013

Top 12 common mistakes in job interview

1. Arriving late

Arriving on time for an interviewee is very important to make the first impression and have great opportunity to land a job. In contrast, you arrive late in an interview, that mean you are not serious interviewee and bring a bad impression to interviewer.

You need to prepare an extra time to make sure you are not late. It will be better to you arrive the interview prior some minutes, maybe five or minutes. If you do not take initiative in time interview, you will be late, leading you to be confused.

2. Dressing inappropriately

Your dress for an interview holds an important role for making self-confident and impression to interviewer. You are suggested that you should choose the business casual clothing in professional form in case of nearly all kinds of position for applicants, even a non-professional job in a small company. It’s fresh to look at an interviewer in the professional and well-dressed clothing to an interview.

3. Do not prepare

In a job interview, any employer could ask you the question “What do you know about this company”. So before attending the interview, you need to prepare answer for it including background information about company history, business fields, organization structure, vision and mission. You could enter the company website to go through the item “About us” for get information. Also other items in the website provide you with basis information. In order to keep in your memory, you can print them out and read again and again. Or you could enter link to Facebook page of the company, here you will view information and images of it. 

4. Poor communication skill or too much communication

Communication is one of the most important skills to get chance for being selected job position. Your good or poor communication will could decide whether you to be potential candidate for the company. It’s necessary for you to focus on communication gestures to positively connect with the person who you to be interviewed by. For example, it’s positive to have hand shake, eye contact with the interviewer, which will show you are a polite and professional candidate. Also self – confidence helps you have a good engagement with the interviewer.
You are kept in mind that you will fail the interview if you hold the call when it rings during an interview. So, leave the phone your side or turn its power off before you entering the interview. Instead of this, you need to take 
your resume, job application and list of references which are related to the interview.

5. Researching the company but not yourself

Finding out and learning about information about the company will help you to be more confident during interview. But it’s important to get all of full-information of the company, and review your areas of knowledge, experience and skills. Remind a list of achievements you got in order to prepare well for questions regarding professional experience. List your background information, education and experience in detail, then take your time on discuss yourself about them again and gain. By this way, you can be easily remember them and respond immediately any questions from the interviewer.   

6. Failing to ask questions

In any job interview, during answering questions from the interviewer or at the end of the interview, you should ask him/her some questions relating to the position you are applying. This shows that you are seriously interested in this position and prepared well. It’s bad to say you have no any questions to the interviewer. So, do not hesitate to give any questions to the interviewer, he/she will be please to answer them and be impressed by your questions. He/she does not want to sell points you try to make. You should prepare well prior questions to entering the interview, including as “It’s pleasant to have good question for you …” or “Would you mind if I wanted to know your career?” or “anyone likes to mention themselves, are you ready to answer this question?”. 

7. Talk too much

It is unpleasant for the interviewer to listening to an interviewee talking too much about problems irrelative to the position he/she is applying. Attending the interview, you had better not tell about your whole life story, instead of this, answer succinctly in short and focus on main points of the questions.

8. Do not talk enough

You should avoid responding the interviewer’s questions with answer is one or two, or yes or no, which makes the interviewer to feel unpleasant, also will make the interview early comes to the end of the result that you may be failed. It’s necessary for you to give full answers as the best you can instead of talking too much.

9. Making a so-called weakness seem positive

In most of job interviews, the question “what are your weaknesses?” is recommended to candidates. So, normally a variety of candidates will give the answer like “I am a perfectionist”. However this question do not mainly make interviewer to be impressed due to its common. As a smart candidate, you should turn so co-call weakness into positive by mentioning a skill that you would like to improve and show description of how you to do. Factually, the question about your weakness is asked in the purpose that the interviewer want you to demonstrate him/her how you deal with the question and know whether you are suitable staff to quickly respond any situation or not.

10.Give the wrong answer

Giving the wrong answer means you do not understand what the interviewer is talking. You are sure that you listen to the question carefully before giving the answer. It will be the high rate of getting knock yourself if you misunderstand questions and give wrong answers.

For example, in the interview for the position of sales and marketing, the interviewer mentioned the cold calling and prospection both are integral skills and valued experiences to complete well tasks of this job to the interviewer. And he/she expected the interviewee to give impressive description on it. In contrast, the interviewee showed what he/she does not like to do in sales and marketing activities. He/she said “I feel uncomfortable to do, I do like calling and prospecting, so I do not want to do”. It’s unsatisfied to the interviewer after listening to this answer.

11. Badmouthing past employers

Although you hate your boss in past company, you consider him/her as an idiot and everyone in the company as a jerk, you do not say in the interview. It’s not good for you to mention this. Because the interviewer thinks that you will badmouth manager or staff here some day if you feel they could treat you not good. When you gave unpleasant comments to your past company or boss, the employee could calculate carefully whether hire you to work for them or not.

In many cases, the interviewer knew how are your past boss or company while you don’t he/she did. The world is smaller than what you are imaging. So it is awful for you to badmouth them although you left the company for long terms.

12.Forget to follow up

The questions for you that whether you make impression to the interviewer or not, are you confident to pass the interview? You can do it, but you are kept in mind that at the end of the interview you should say thanks for interviewer’s time for the interview today. Or you can send thanks via mail to him/her after the interview. All show you are interested in the position and the company.
In the case you fail the interview, you should leave this tip. Expressing thanks to the interviewer for his/her time means you respect him/her and yourself. Do not be so bad to this failure, you take it into experience and move it on next door.

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